Tuesday, January 11, 2011


This is a fun day, huh?  How many times in our lives will we see dates like this?  Not so often!  What is everyone doing today?  I had some work to do.  I've gotten that finished, and I'm planning to hem a pair of blue jeans.  I'm only 5'2" and even "short" isn't short enough!  So two pairs of new jeans to hem, spiffy things up a bit around here, then what?  Why do things seem to pile up so quickly?  If I put things away, I tend to lose them.  If I don't put things away, clutter happens in a hurry!  Is it cold where you are?  It didn't get much over 40 today and it really looks like it could snow even though we don't get snow here!  I've got a lot of things I want to do this year.  We'll see how many of them I finish.  I hope you're having a great day! 

We had sad news yesterday.  My new SIL's Mawmaw passed away.  She was a picture of health when we saw her at Thanksgiving.  She was eating, laughing and having a great time.  Then she went downhill so fast.  It's really a shock for everyone.  No one would have guessed she would be gone this quickly!   Hug your loved ones.  You don't know when it will be the last time!

In everything, give thanks,

1 comment:

The Single Nester said...

So sorry to hear about your SIL's loss. Sending prayers . . .