Friday, February 4, 2011

Prairie Flower Farm Asked Some Questions!

Linda over at Prairie Flower Farm posted on her blog, and she asked some questions, and I thought I would copy her post and share her questions to see how many responses I would receive!  I hope you're reading this today!!


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Let's Get To Know Each Other!

Just picked up my Hobby Farm HOME...........the other day at the Tractor Supply Store! Sure gets me "itchin" to have spring! Smile. I will wait and be just will be so nice to get outside again and dig in the dirt.

Hello sweet ladies,

Today we didn't have any problems getting to work this I didn't have a SNOW Day. Sad! It is so cold here though. Having a hard time keeping the shower thawed. UGH for my honey!

I am getting a little sewing in today........very relaxing......... finishing up on an order.

I can't believe how many new ladies are downloading the tea cozy. I love it! I hope a lot are being made for gifts. If you are doing so........ I would love to hear.

I thought I would do a little something different with this post. I would love to get to know you just a little bit better. So here goes. I have 5 simple questions for you to answer. If you don't want to...... that is just fine. I want you to be comfortable when you come to my blog. The questions will be simple. I was just thinking that if you came to my HOME to visit I would want to get to know YOU! So here goes.........

1. Would you rather be knitting, crocheting, hand stitching doing embroidery, sewing using your sewing machine or all of the above?

2. Do you have any kind of crafty or sewing thing that you are working on now?

3. Do you like to cook from scratch or do you use prepared food?

4. Will you have a garden this next summer......what will you grow and will you start your own seeds?

5. Do you live in the city or on a farm which would you rather if you could?
If you're reading, please tell us what you're up to!!
In everything, give thanks,


~Tonja~ said...

1. Would you rather be knitting, crocheting, hand stitching doing embroidery, sewing using your sewing machine or all of the above?
All of the above...

2. Do you have any kind of crafty or sewing thing that you are working on now?Not at the moment unless trying to organize all the stuff we are listing online counts...

3. Do you like to cook from scratch or do you use prepared food?Would rather cook from scratch but do both....

4. Will you have a garden this next summer......what will you grow and will you start your own seeds?Yes we will have a garden this year...some will be spot gardens and some containers...will try some from seeds...

5. Do you live in the city or on a farm which would you rather if you could?City but would love to be in the country...

Have a Blessed day....

GrandmaSoucie said...

Tonja: I appreciate your comments! Me too! I received my upholster/slipcover book! It's great! Thanks.