Wednesday, November 30, 2011

It's Time to Decorate for Christmas

Isn't it funny how it takes so long for the heat of summer to end, but once it does, fall is here, Thanksgiving is over and boom, there's Christmas!  Well, Thanksgiving is over and it's time to decorate for Christmas.  We bought LED colored lights to go outside yesterday and got them all hung and two trees decorated.  I have started to decorate the inside too.  I pulled out my vintage aluminum Christmas tree and antique ornaments and got that finished last night as well!  Here is what I have done so far.  BTW, the little pie safe between the two toy soldiers was the second piece of furniture I ever made!  I made a full sized one for myself in 1993, and made this one for my first granddaughter for her Christmas present in 1993.  Several years ago, my daughter asked "Mom, do you want this back? We're not using it!!!!"  Of course, I wanted it back if you're not going to use it!!!  So it's here in my dining room with my most adorable miniature Seller's (Hoosier) cabinet.  I'll have to get a picture of that and show you too!

I haven't seen these two macrame pieces in decades!!!  I made these in 1975,
 and I just realized yesterday just how much I love them! lol! 
So here they are too!

I hand appliqued this quilt many years ago.  I dated it, but I'll have to check the date again!  Anyway, it's all hand appliqued, and my dear sweet mama hand quilted it for me.  It's
my treasure!

I love vintage anything, and especially love my
aluminum Christmas tree from the 50s or 60s and all my
beautiful antique ornaments from even earlier!!

What vintage scene would be complete without
my flamingo ornament pulling my
Airstream travel trailer?

Are you ready for Christmas yet?


Jenny said...

Not ready at all!

Love the quilt - it is beautiful!

Pauline said...

Merry Christmas, Grandma Soucie! Wherever you spend it, I hope you have a lot of fun!