Friday, August 13, 2010

Do you ever have one of those nights?

I went to bed on time last night, but was worried about some issues that are going on with my daughter, and at 1:30 this morning, I was wide awake and could not go back to sleep.  I tried for a couple hours, then gave up.  I decided to get up and work on the Mr. and Mrs. pillowcases that Pinkfrosting from Sugar Pie Farmhouse suggested, so, Pink, here they are!  They are made out of unbleached muslin that is tone on tone with a fern-type design in white on the muslin and the letters and decorative accent are white too.  So I guess not being able to sleep was good this time.....

Here are some pictures of the pillowcases.  I'd love to know what you think!  The flash makes them look really yellow, but they are unbleached muslin.  I guess at 3:30 in the morning the flash did something funny!  "Sweet Dreams" is the same fabric and gives a better idea of what they look like.

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